
Nov 3, 2011

The Top Deadliest Diseases are Preventable

The top deadliest diseases in the World are heart disease, cancer and diabetes.   All of these diseases are prevented through a healthy diet and lifestyle, not smoking, reduced alcohol consumption and exercise.   Sixty percent of all deads are caused by these diseases.  And eighty percent of these deads are in lower and middle income countries.  Especially in the lower income countries in which there are many poor.  Financially these people have a problem getting healthy food.  A lot of our money goes into drugs to try to treat these conditions. However, it would be cheaper to spend our money on getting healthier food to these people and teaching people how to eat healthy, the importance of exercise and diet in preventing disease.

In the United States the main problem is obesity.  People eat more processed foods and high saturated fats and do not exercise. As naturopathic physicians our main focus in treatment is diet and lifestyle.  We spend 1.5 hrs on an initial office visit to get to the cause of the patient's problem.  The cause is mainly the diet and lifestyle.  Many people to do not know what is a healthy diet.  Many of these people have high cholesterol but they blame it on their genes instead of their diet. Because they have a hard time believing that their diet is the cause.  Everyone should be seeing a naturopathic physician as their primary care physician because by getting to the cause of the problem and looking at diet and lifestyle we can reduce our health care cost and improve our health care system.