
Dec 16, 2010

Cinnamon Can Lower the Risk For Diabetes

This was a double blind placebo controlled study published in Diab Med 2010 thirty diabetes with a glycolated hemogoblin of greater than 7 were given 2 grams of cinnamon per day for 12 weeks vs a placebo group.  After 12 weeks the glycated  hemogoblin decreased by 0.36% in the cinnamon group vs a 0.12% increase in the placebo group.  Also the blood pressure decreased in the cinnamon group.  What if the study was done over a longer period in other words one year would the glycated hemogoblin  decrease even further? 

Alcohol and Nicotine Feed Each Other

A study conducted in Additions 1995 found that 80% to 95% of alcoholics smoke, compared with 25% to 30% of nonalcoholics.  Even among nonalcoholics, those who smoked were reported to drink twice as much alcohol as did nonsmokers.  This indicates that alcoholic programs should also have smoking cessation programs in there facilities.

Cigarette Smoking Increasing One's Risk for Arthritis

A study reported in the December issue of  Arthritis & Rheumatism states that cigarette smoking increases the risk for rheumatoid arthritis in African Americans.  The study showed a two fold increase in rheumatoid arthritis in African Americans who were heavy smokers.  The study also showed that one in six cases of rheumatoid arthrtis can be prevented through smoking cessation or by limiting exposure to 10 packs per year.  The risk attributed to smoking is highest in African Americans who are positive for the gene HLA-DRB1 SE alleles.

Another Study States That A Healthy Lifestyle Lowers Your Risk For Breast Cancer

A study in Breast Cancer Research 2010 shows that obesity, inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption increases one's risk for breast cancer.  It does matter if there is a family history of breast cancer or not. There were 85,644 postmenopausal women enrolled in this study. Approximately 25% of the sample were over the age of 70 years at baseline, approximately 83% were of white racial/ethnic background, and approximately 39% had completed a four-year college degree.  Twelve percent reported a family history of breast cancer (in a first-degree relative at the age of 45 years or more). Eighty-seven percent of participants drank less than seven alcoholic beverages per week, 24% exercised for at least 20 minutes at moderate/vigorous intensity at least five times per week, and 23% maintained a healthy weight.  The rate of invasive breast cancer among women with a family history of breast cancer who participated in exercise, less than 7 drinks a week and were at their ideal weight was 5.94 per 1,000 woman-years, compared with 6.97 per 1,000 woman who participated in none of the behaviors. The rate among women with no family history for breast cancer who participated in all three behavioral conditions was 3.51 per 1,000 woman-years compared to 4.67 per 1,000 woman for those who participated in none of the behaviors. 

This study indicates that a healthy lifestyle really does reduce one's risk for breast cancer regardless of a family history.

Dec 6, 2010

Another Study Shows That Exercise Reduces Depression

A study published in the Journal of Psychology involved 40,000 Norwegian residents found those who were not active were almost twice as likely to have symptoms of depression that those who were regularly active. Researchers found that even individuals who did light activity were less depressed. As more people today are becoming obese and less active this is effecting both their physical and mental health. Of the participates of this study 4080 participants (10.1%) had case-level symptoms of depression, 6129 (15.2%) had symptoms of anxiety, and 2258 (5.6%) had comorbid depression and anxiety. Those who participated in low level and intense exercise had less depression and anxiety.

Increase Risk for Miscarriages May Be Related to Thyroid Function

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism states that infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes are more common when the thyroid gland is hypo- or hyperactive. Higher miscarriage rate, more frequent preterm deliveries, increased hypertension, diabetic complications, higher risk for placental abruption, and adverse fetal effects have all been reported with thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy. The study states that women with normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, but with evidence for thyroid autoimmunity, are at approximately a 2-fold increased risk for pregnancy loss. Woman with subclinical hypothyroidism and/or high-normal TSH levels at the beginning of pregnancy may show signs of thyroid insufficiency during pregnancy. The study involved 4123 pregnant women who had their TSH levels measured at the first medical visit during pregnancy. The miscarriage rate was 3.6% in women with a TSH level of < 2.5 mIU/l, and 6.1% in women with TSH levels between 2.5 and 5.0 mIU/l. This indicates that optimal thyroid levels are very important in infertility and preventing a miscarriage.

I have been testing thyroid in all my patients who have had problems getting pregnant and many times it is not at the optimal levels.

Mercury Exposure Increases One's Risk For Alzheimer's Disease

A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in November 2010 states that mercury which is still used today in dental amalgams is likely a contributing factor in Alzheimer's disease. The researchers found that symptoms of Alzheimer's disease were reproduced or accelerated when mercury was introduced. The study found that some autopsy studies revealed increased mercury levels in the brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients. Because of this study researchers are recommending removal of mercury from the public exposure and replacing it with less toxic substances.