
Aug 26, 2019

Who should be taking a multiple vitamin?

Individuals who are not eating a balanced diet on a daily basis.

If you are lactose intolerant you may be deficient in calcium and Vitamin D.

You’re pregnant, of child bearing age or may become pregnant or are breast feeding.

To prevent osteoporosis all women should be taking calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium, Vitamin C, boron, Vitamin K, zinc and copper starting at 20 years of age or younger.

You have elevated homeocysteine, a protein that may be related to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and folic acid has been shown to prevent heart disease and lower homeocysteine levels.

You have had an intestinal condition such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic pancreatitis. All these conditions can interfere with nutrient absorption.

You’re on a weight reduction diet.

You’re a cancer patient - you should be taking antioxidants.

You’re a strict vegetarian - You are probably lacking in Vitamin B12.

To reduce your risk of getting cancer. Harvard’s famous evaluation of 90,000 nurses for more than 15 years showed that multiple vitamins appeared to reduce the risk of colon and breast cancers.
People who have a nutritional deficiency. 9/10 Americans are low in 1 or more of the following vitamins and minerals: magnesium, Vit. D, Vit. C, Vit. E, calcium and zinc.

We all live in a toxic world, antioxidants in a quality multiple vitamin help clean toxins from the body and keep the liver functioning better.

If your energy could use a boost.

To promote mood, a multiple vitamin with B-vitamins, Vit. C and magnesium promotes calmness and supports a healthy mood.

A good multiple vitamin with Vit. A, C and E helps support healthy, radiant skin.

Your stressed out, stress depletes our B-Vitamins.

A multiple vitamin with Vit. D, calcium and magnesium can help maintain muscle strength and mobility.

A good multiple vitamin supports healthy aging.

One can purchase Dr. Wiancek's Optimal Health Multiple Vitamin by e mailing her at or on Amazon under Dr. Wiancek's Multiple vitamin.

Dr. Wiancek has formulated her own multiple vitamin

Why has Dr. Wiancek decided to formulate her own multiple vitamin?

Now adding methlyfolate to the vitamin, because many people do not absorb regular folic acid. Also, with more vitamin K2 to prevent osteoporosis, bruising and overall bone health. Because many of my patients are taking 5 or 6 bottles of different vitamins and minerals a day and it is costing them a fortune. So I decided to make it easy and cost effective for people. All they would need is provided in my multiple vitamins at a cost of $47.00 a month  This can be purchased by e mailing Dr. Wiancek at or on Amazon. 

What does your multiple vitamin include?

It includes the following:

1,000 mg of calcium citrate the most absorbable calcium available to help prevent osteoporosis.
2000 IU of Vitamin D3 to prevent osteoporosis.
400 IU of Vitamin E which is a natural blood thinner, protects us from heart disease and all kinds of cancers.
1,000 mg of Vitamin C which protects us from getting the common cold because of it’s anti-viral effects.
15,000 IU of Vitamin A which protects us from all kinds of cancer and helps keep our skin healthy.
100 mcg Selenium which is also an antioxidant which protects us from all kinds of cancers including prostate cancer.
30 mg of Zinc which also protects us from colds and all kinds of cancers including prostate cancer.
50 mg of all the B Vitamins. These are water soluble vitamins which need to be replenished on a daily basis. We need them during times of stress that is why they are called our stress vitamins.
Other minerals that are needed to prevent osteoporosis which are included in the multiple vitamin are:

Other minerals included in the multiple include:

Vitamin K2 150 mcg
Vitamin B12 100 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Pantothenic acid 70 mg
Magnesium citrate 500 mg
Copper 1 mg
Manganese 15 mg
Chromium 100 mcg
Potassium 50 mg
Boron 2 mg
Molybdenum 50 mcg
Vanadium 20 mcg
Choline 70 mg
Inositol 70 mg
Methylfolate 800 mcg

Why is there no iron in this multiple vitamin?
Why a little may be good more is definitely not better when it comes to your heart. A study comparing coronary heart disease patients with healthy, age matched controls, found women older than 60 had a 3.5 fold increase in CHD risk for every 50 mg of iron consumed per month over 250 mg.

One a day for Women has 27 mg of iron in each tablet. That amounts to an 810 mg of iron load every month, raising a consumer’s risk for CHD 40 fold. Several studies have conversely confirmed the cardiovascular benefits of iron depletion through blood donation, reducing the risk of an acute heart attack as much as 88 percent in middle aged male donors.
Also, some researchers suggest the loss of iron rich blood during menstruation is partly responsible for the lower rates of heart disease in younger women.

The lesson here is to take iron supplements only when you need them. The only way to tell if you are low in iron is through a blood test.


Did you know that your brain starts to deteriorate 30 to 50 years before
you have any symptoms? Losing your memory or developing brain fog
in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or even 80s is not normal—it’s a sign of
trouble. By adopting these brain healthy strategies, you can outsmart
your genes, put the brakes on aging, and even reverse the aging process
so that you look and feel younger in a short period of time!

1. Drink water. Your brain is 80% water, so anything that dehydrates
it (such as too much caffeine or alcohol) should be avoided. How much
water should you drink? ½ your body weight in ounces is best.
Example: if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water each day.

2. Get enough sleep – at least 7-8 hours per night.

3. Move your body! Studies show that exercise will help
prevent Alzheimer’s and boost your energy, mood, metabolism, and
the ability to create new brain cells. Exercise truly is the closest thing
to a happiness pill that you will ever find!

4. Protect yourself from brain injuries… period. Wear a helmet when biking & skiing.

5. Embrace your sense of meaning and purpose, and keep a gratitude journal.

6. Eat breakfast and keep your blood sugar balanced so that you can make great decisions about how to care for your brain and body. Protein with each meal and 5-12 veggies a day.

7. Maintain a healthy weight. Studies show that as your weight goes up, the size and function of your brain goes down. Don’t know your BMI?

8. Free yourself from toxins:
 Limited alcohol: no more than 2-4 glasses a week.
 If you smoke, quit!
 Eat lots of antioxidants such as Vit A, C, D, E & Selenium and super-nutrient Organic foods to gain protection from brain-damaging free radicals. All these antioxidants are in Dr. Wiancek Optimal Health multivitamin.

9. Become a lifelong learner. In a way, your brain is like a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it gets!

10. Practice effective stress/anxiety management techniques, such as meditation, ANT therapy and online brain games that are designed to boost emotional control and stress resilience.

11. Know your important health numbers Blood pressure, Cholesterol, C Reactive Protein, Homecyteine and:

 Take a good multiple vitamin/mineral supplement Dr. Wiancek's  Optimal Health Multiple contains all the antioxidants, B vitamins and vitamin D.  You can pick this up at the Riverwalk Natural Health Clinic Pharmacy or you can order by e-mail
 Take an Lead & Mercury Free Omega-3 supplement
 Optimize your Vitamin D level
     Many people are deficient in methylated B vitamins which are in Dr. Wiancek's Optimal Multiple.

12. Learn about the health of your brain and continuously strive to improve it by making an appointment today with Dr Wiancek at the Riverwalk Natural Health Clinic.