Toxicity Self Test
Rate each of the following symptoms based upon your health profile
Point scale:
0 = never or almost never
1 = occasionally
2 = frequently
3 = daily, effect is not severe
4 = daily, effect is severe
DIGESTIVE __Nausea or vomiting __Diarrhea __Constipation __Bloated feeling __Heartburn __TOTAL MIND __Poor memory __Confusion __Poor concentration __Poor coordination __Stuttering, stammering __Slurred speech __Learning problems __Difficulty making decisions __TOTAL EARS __Itchy ears __Earaches, ear infection __Drainage from ear __Ringing in ears __Hearing loss __TOTAL RESPIRATORY __Chest congestion __Hay Fever __Asthma, bronchitis __Excessive Mucous __Shortness of breath __Stuffy nose __Difficulty breathing __Sinus problems __Sneezing attacks __TOTAL EMOTIONS/WEIGHT __Mood swings __Binge eating/drinking __Anxiety, fears, nervousness __Craving certain foods __Anger, irritability __Excessive weight __Depression __Compulsive eating __Underweight __Water retention __TOTAL | ENERGY HEART __Fatigue, sluggish __Skipped heartbeats __Apathy, lethargy __Rapid heartbeats __Hyperactivity __Chests Pain __Restless __TOTAL MOUTH/THROAT; __Gagging __Swollen or discolored tongue,gums,lips __Chronic coughing __Sore throat, hoarse __Canker sores __TOTAL EYES __Watery, itchy eyes __Dark circles under eyes __Blurred tunnel vision __Tunnel vision __TOTAL JOINTS/MUSCLES __Joint pain oraches __Arthritis __Stiffness, limited movement __Muscle pain/aches __Weakness, fatigue __TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE __Pesticides/ Herbicides __Animals in home __Air freshener __Dry cleaning __New home furnishings __Silver dental fillings __Smokers __Moth Balls __Manicures __Paints, cleaners, gas __Carpeting __Silicone or Teflon implants __Excessive traffic exposure - home, jogging, bicycling __Office equipment - copy machines, photography, printing, construction, metal work, silk screening. __Military service __TOTAL OTHER __Frequent Illness __Frequent/urgent urination __Genital itch/discharge __TOTAL |
51-75 Mild toxicity
76-100 Moderate toxicity
>101 Severe toxicity
51-75 Mild toxicity
76-100 Moderate toxicity
>101 Severe toxicity